School Uniform

Wearing a school uniform helps to create a sense of belonging and community among our pupils. Wearing the uniform is a way for pupils to publicly identify themselves as members of the Scoil Mhuire community and encourages them to take pride in their school.
The Scoil Mhuire school uniform is stocked in Lynch's of Marino and can be purchased online or in-store. Please note that in the month of August the facility to visit the store will be by appointment only.
The uniform of Scoil Mhuire consists of:
- grey crested Scoil Mhuire jumper
- grey shirt
- Scoil Mhuire tie (blue with silver stripe)
- grey trousers or
- grey knee-length shorts or
- grey knee-length skirt or
- grey knee-length pinafore
- plain black shoes
- grey or white socks
On their designated PE day, pupils may wear their PE uniform to school. This consists of:
- generic, unbranded navy tracksuit pants (or shorts)
- white collared t-shirt
- generic, unbranded navy round-neck jumper
Scoil Mhuire, An Edmund Rice School, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9 | Phone: (01) 8336421